Why Lego for Table Top Gaming?

Lego for tabletop gaming is a fun, accessible, and creative alternative for those who do not want to get into collecting miniatures and painting.

Why Lego for Table Top Gaming?
It's time to storm the tower!

Lego is incredibly flexible for use with Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Warhammer, or whatever other table top encounters you need a 3d environment for.  Figures are customizable and changeable. Terrain and props can be amassed from pre existing sets or build from spare parts. The best thing though, is putting them on the table and seeing your group come alive!

Using Lego for introducing kids to TTRPGs is great too! Since traditional miniatures can sometimes be exceptionally fragile, Legos allow for little hands to touch and play with ease. If something falls apart - that's okay!

While Lego might not have the realism level of 3d printed miniatures and foam landscapes that are traditionally used for creating 3d environments, stylistically, they present a level of hands-on fun that the others do not. Using Lego is great in that users do not have to paint or invest heavily in craft and art supplies and the space to use and store them.

What's storage?

This site will explore how to create simple, detailed, and concise Lego inspired terrain, creatures, props, and minifigures for use in TTRPGs. We will also feature others who are doing it as well and will try to serve as a starting point for those looking for ideas or to get started.

Happy building! And roll for bricks!